Remember the directory where you extracted the Tor Browser files. In this example I will call this location /home/your-username/Downloads/ which is the default location of the Downloads directory in Ubuntu if you replace your-username by your own user name. Remember the location where you downloaded the tor-browser-linu圆4-xx.x.xx_ archive. Set a keyboard shortcut to start Tor Browser Start Tor Browser from the command line by running. Right-click on sktop, open Properties and change the permission to Allow executing file as program by clicking the checkbox. Navigate to the newly extracted Tor Browser directory. When the download is complete, extract the archive with the command tar -xf or with the Archive Manager. The steps for verifying the file's signature are shown below. (Recommended) Verify the file's signature. Navigate to the Tor Browser download page. When I updated the Tor Browser Developers signing key I noticed that the key that I updated will expire in less than one year.

These are the instructions from the official Tor Browser User Manual in case the Ubuntu torbrowser-launcher package hasn't updated the gpg key that is required to install Tor Browser.

Unfortunately the Tor Browser developers change their signing key that is used to install Tor Browser at periodic intervals which makes the torbrowser-launcher package from the default Ubuntu repositories not work because it is not as up-to-date as the current version of Tor Browser. The Tor Browser Launcher Settings app is also installed along with Tor Browser.

After installing Tor Browser, it can be launched by searching for tor in the Dash and clicking the Tor Browser icon. torbrowser-launcher handles downloading the most recent version of Tor Browser Bundle for you, in your language and for your architecture. Tor Browser ( torbrowser-launcher) is available in the default Ubuntu repositories in Ubuntu 16.04 and later.