Metacafe is an online video streaming site that specializes in free, short clips and popular videos. Sure you can find lots of HD videos here. It is certainly the most popular free video site of today and ends up getting an average of mind blowing 4 billion video views on a daily basis. If you are talking about online streaming sites then there is nothing quite out there that can match the giant of all, YouTube. You also can view and manage your downloading and downloaded videos on this YouTube downloader HD app with its inner HD video player. Just using the above methods to add new YouTube video if you find it is interesting. Note: When complete videos adding, you can move on to the Internet and view other videos. This mode also works for those protected videos. Or you can choose the Record mode to download HD YouTube videos by recording. Click the URL icon and drag it to the interface of HD YouTube Video downloader to begin downloading.

With HD YouTube Video downloader, you will get 3 methods to download the video HD:Īlternatively, you can download by the video URL. When playing the video, you will see a "Download" button shown on video window. Open any browser on your Mac or Windows PC, type to search your desired HD videos to be downloaded. You will get the program auto start after installation completed. Downloading and Installing YouTube HD Video Downloaderĭownload this YouTube HD video downloader and install it according to the prompt provided. Just process the HD YouTube downloader free download and try it. You can also manage your downloaded videos and play the video with built-in media player. You can download any YouTube videos or the whole YouTube playlist and channel in only 1 click. It allows you to free download 4K HD YouTube videos at 3 times faster download speed.